Use Atlas Device SDK for Swift with Actors
On this page
- Prerequisites
- About the Examples on This Page
- Open an Actor-Isolated Database
- Define a Custom Database Actor
- Use a Database Actor Synchronously in an Isolated Function
- Use a Database Actor in Async Functions
- Write to an Actor-Isolated Database
- Pass SDK Data Across the Actor Boundary
- Pass a ThreadSafeReference
- Pass a Sendable Type
- Observe Notifications on a Different Actor
- Observation Limitations
- Register a Collection Change Listener
- Register an Object Change Listener
Starting with Swift SDK version 10.39.0, Atlas Device SDK supports built-in functionality for Swift Actors. The SDK's actor support provides an alternative to managing threads or dispatch queues to perform asynchronous work. You can use the SDK with actors in a few different ways:
Work with the SDK only on a specific actor with an actor-isolated database
Use the SDK across actors based on the needs of your application
You might want to use an actor-isolated database if you want to restrict all database access to a single actor. This negates the need to pass data across the actor boundary, and can simplify data race debugging.
You might want to use databases across actors in cases where you want to perform different types of work on different actors. For example, you might want to read objects on the MainActor but use a background actor for large writes.
For general information about Swift actors, refer to Apple's Actor documentation.
To use the Swift SDK with a Swift actor, your project must:
Use Swift SDK version 10.39.0 or later
Use Swift 5.8/Xcode 14.3 or later
In addition, we strongly recommend enabling these settings in your project:
: enables strict concurrency checkingOTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS=-Xfrontend-enable-actor-data-race-checks
: enables runtime actor data-race detection
About the Examples on This Page
The examples on this page use the following model:
class Todo: Object { true) var _id: ObjectId (primaryKey: var name: String var owner: String var status: String }
Open an Actor-Isolated Database
You can use the Swift async/await syntax to await opening a database.
Initializing a database with try await Realm()
opens a MainActor-isolated
database. Alternately, you can explicitly specify an actor when opening a
database with the await
func mainThreadFunction() async throws { // These are identical: the async init produces a // MainActor-isolated Realm if no actor is supplied let realm1 = try await Realm() let realm2 = try await Realm(actor: MainActor.shared) try await useTheRealm(realm: realm1) }
You can specify a default configuration or customize your configuration when opening an actor-isolated database:
func mainThreadFunction() async throws { let username = "Galadriel" // Customize the default realm config var config = Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration config.fileURL!.deleteLastPathComponent() config.fileURL!.appendPathComponent(username) config.fileURL!.appendPathExtension("realm") // Open an actor-isolated realm with a specific configuration let realm = try await Realm(configuration: config, actor: MainActor.shared) try await useTheRealm(realm: realm) }
For more general information about configuring a database, refer to Configure & Open a Database File.
You can open a synced database as an actor-isolated database:
func mainThreadFunction() async throws { // Initialize the app client and authenticate a user let app = App(id: APPID) let user = try await app.login(credentials: Credentials.anonymous) // Configure the synced realm var flexSyncConfig = user.flexibleSyncConfiguration(initialSubscriptions: { subs in subs.append(QuerySubscription<Todo>(name: "all_todos"))}) flexSyncConfig.objectTypes = [Todo.self] // Open and use the synced realm let realm = try await Realm(configuration: flexSyncConfig, actor: MainActor.shared, downloadBeforeOpen: .always) try await useTheSyncedRealm(realm: realm) }
For more general information about opening a synced database, refer to Configure & Open a Synced Database.
Define a Custom Database Actor
You can define a specific actor to manage the database in asynchronous contexts. You can use this actor to manage database access and perform write operations.
actor RealmActor { // An implicitly-unwrapped optional is used here to let us pass `self` to // `Realm(actor:)` within `init` var realm: Realm! init() async throws { realm = try await Realm(actor: self) } var count: Int { realm.objects(Todo.self).count } func createTodo(name: String, owner: String, status: String) async throws { try await realm.asyncWrite { realm.create(Todo.self, value: [ "_id": ObjectId.generate(), "name": name, "owner": owner, "status": status ]) } } func getTodoOwner(forTodoNamed name: String) -> String { let todo = realm.objects(Todo.self).where { $ == name }.first! return todo.owner } struct TodoStruct { var id: ObjectId var name, owner, status: String } func getTodoAsStruct(forTodoNamed name: String) -> TodoStruct { let todo = realm.objects(Todo.self).where { $ == name }.first! return TodoStruct(id: todo._id, name:, owner: todo.owner, status: todo.status) } func updateTodo(_id: ObjectId, name: String, owner: String, status: String) async throws { try await realm.asyncWrite { realm.create(Todo.self, value: [ "_id": _id, "name": name, "owner": owner, "status": status ], update: .modified) } } func deleteTodo(id: ObjectId) async throws { try await realm.asyncWrite { let todoToDelete = realm.object(ofType: Todo.self, forPrimaryKey: id) realm.delete(todoToDelete!) } } func close() { realm = nil } }
An actor-isolated database may be used with either local or global actors.
// A simple example of a custom global actor actor BackgroundActor: GlobalActor { static var shared = BackgroundActor() } func backgroundThreadFunction() async throws { // Explicitly specifying the actor is required for anything that is not MainActor let realm = try await Realm(actor: BackgroundActor.shared) try await realm.asyncWrite { _ = realm.create(Todo.self, value: [ "name": "Pledge fealty and service to Gondor", "owner": "Pippin", "status": "In Progress" ]) } // Thread-confined Realms would sometimes throw an exception here, as we // may end up on a different thread after an `await` let todoCount = realm.objects(Todo.self).count print("The number of Realm objects is: \(todoCount)") } func mainThreadFunction() async throws { try await backgroundThreadFunction() }
Use a Database Actor Synchronously in an Isolated Function
When a function is confined to a specific actor, you can use the actor-isolated database synchronously.
func createObject(in actor: isolated RealmActor) async throws { // Because this function is isolated to this actor, you can use // realm synchronously in this context without async/await keywords try actor.realm.write { actor.realm.create(Todo.self, value: [ "name": "Keep it secret", "owner": "Frodo", "status": "In Progress" ]) } let taskCount = actor.count print("The actor currently has \(taskCount) tasks") } let actor = try await RealmActor() try await createObject(in: actor)
Use a Database Actor in Async Functions
When a function isn't confined to a specific actor, you can use your database actor with Swift's async/await syntax.
func createObject() async throws { // Because this function is not isolated to this actor, // you must await operations completed on the actor try await actor.createTodo(name: "Take the ring to Mount Doom", owner: "Frodo", status: "In Progress") let taskCount = await actor.count print("The actor currently has \(taskCount) tasks") } let actor = try await RealmActor() try await createObject()
Write to an Actor-Isolated Database
Actor-isolated databases can use Swift async/await syntax for asynchronous
writes. Using try await realm.asyncWrite { ... }
suspends the current task,
acquires the write lock without blocking the current thread, and then invokes
the block. The SDK writes the data to disk on a background thread and resumes
the task when that completes.
This function from the example RealmActor
defined above shows how you might
write to an actor-isolated database:
func createTodo(name: String, owner: String, status: String) async throws { try await realm.asyncWrite { realm.create(Todo.self, value: [ "_id": ObjectId.generate(), "name": name, "owner": owner, "status": status ]) } }
And you might perform this write using Swift's async syntax:
func createObject() async throws { // Because this function is not isolated to this actor, // you must await operations completed on the actor try await actor.createTodo(name: "Take the ring to Mount Doom", owner: "Frodo", status: "In Progress") let taskCount = await actor.count print("The actor currently has \(taskCount) tasks") } let actor = try await RealmActor() try await createObject()
This does not block the calling thread while waiting to write. It does
not perform I/O on the calling thread. For small writes, this is safe to
use from @MainActor
functions without blocking the UI. Writes that
negatively impact your app's performance due to complexity and/or platform
resource constraints may still benefit from being done on a background thread.
Asynchronous writes are only supported for actor-isolated databases or in
Pass SDK Data Across the Actor Boundary
SDK objects are not Sendable, and cannot cross the actor boundary directly. To pass SDK data across the actor boundary, you have two options:
Pass a
to or from the actorPass other types that are Sendable, such as passing values directly or by creating structs to pass across actor boundaries
Pass a ThreadSafeReference
You can create a
ThreadSafeReference on an
actor where you have access to the object. In this case, we create a
on the MainActor
. Then, pass the
to the destination actor.
// We can pass a thread-safe reference to an object to update it on a different actor. let todo = todoCollection.where { $ == "Arrive safely in Bree" }.first! let threadSafeReferenceToTodo = ThreadSafeReference(to: todo) try await backgroundActor.deleteTodo(tsrToTodo: threadSafeReferenceToTodo)
On the destination actor, you must resolve()
the reference within a
write transaction before you can use it. This retrieves a version of the
object local to that actor.
actor BackgroundActor { public func deleteTodo(tsrToTodo tsr: ThreadSafeReference<Todo>) throws { let realm = try! Realm() try realm.write { // Resolve the thread safe reference on the Actor where you want to use it. // Then, do something with the object. let todoOnActor = realm.resolve(tsr) realm.delete(todoOnActor!) } } }
You must resolve a ThreadSafeReference
exactly once. Otherwise,
the source database remains pinned until the reference gets
deallocated. For this reason, ThreadSafeReference
should be
If you may need to share the same database object across actors more than once, you may prefer to share the primary key and query for it on the actor where you want to use it. Refer to the "Pass a Primary Key and Query for the Object on Another Actor" section on this page for an example.
Pass a Sendable Type
While SDK objects are not Sendable, you can work around this by passing Sendable types across actor boundaries. You can use a few strategies to pass Sendable types and work with data across actor boundaries:
Pass Sendable SDK types or primitive values instead of complete SDK objects
Pass an object's primary key and query for the object on another actor
Create a Sendable representation of your SDK object, such as a struct
Pass Sendable SDK Types and Primitive Values
If you only need a piece of information from the SDK object, such as a
or Int
, you can pass the value directly across actors instead
of passing the SDK object. For a full list of which SDK types are Sendable,
refer to Sendable, Non-Sendable, and Thread-Confined Types.
func mainThreadFunction() async throws { // Create an object in an actor-isolated realm. // Pass primitive data to the actor instead of // creating the object here and passing the object. let actor = try await RealmActor() try await actor.createTodo(name: "Prepare fireworks for birthday party", owner: "Gandalf", status: "In Progress") // Later, get information off the actor-confined realm let todoOwner = await actor.getTodoOwner(forTodoNamed: "Prepare fireworks for birthday party") }
Pass a Primary Key and Query for the Object on Another Actor
If you want to use a database object on another actor, you can share the primary key and query for it on the actor where you want to use it.
// Execute code on a specific actor - in this case, the @MainActor func mainThreadFunction() async throws { // Create an object off the main actor func createObject(in actor: isolated BackgroundActor) async throws -> ObjectId { let realm = try await Realm(actor: actor) let newTodo = try await realm.asyncWrite { return realm.create(Todo.self, value: [ "name": "Pledge fealty and service to Gondor", "owner": "Pippin", "status": "In Progress" ]) } // Share the todo's primary key so we can easily query for it on another actor return newTodo._id } // Initialize an actor where you want to perform background work let actor = BackgroundActor() let newTodoId = try await createObject(in: actor) let realm = try await Realm() let todoOnMainActor = realm.object(ofType: Todo.self, forPrimaryKey: newTodoId) }
Create a Sendable Representation of Your Object
If you need to work with more than a simple value, but don't want the
overhead of passing around ThreadSafeReferences
or querying objects on
different actors, you can create a struct or other Sendable representation
of your data to pass across the actor boundary.
For example, your actor might have a function that creates a struct representation of the database object.
struct TodoStruct { var id: ObjectId var name, owner, status: String } func getTodoAsStruct(forTodoNamed name: String) -> TodoStruct { let todo = realm.objects(Todo.self).where { $ == name }.first! return TodoStruct(id: todo._id, name:, owner: todo.owner, status: todo.status) }
Then, you can call a function to get the data as a struct on another actor.
func mainThreadFunction() async throws { // Create an object in an actor-isolated realm. let actor = try await RealmActor() try await actor.createTodo(name: "Leave the ring on the mantle", owner: "Bilbo", status: "In Progress") // Get information as a struct or other Sendable type. let todoAsStruct = await actor.getTodoAsStruct(forTodoNamed: "Leave the ring on the mantle") }
Observe Notifications on a Different Actor
You can observe notifications on an actor-isolated realm using Swift's async/await syntax.
Calling await object.observe(on: Actor)
await collection.observe(on: Actor)
registers a block to be called
each time the object or collection changes.
The SDK asynchronously calls the block on the given actor's executor.
For write transactions performed on different threads or in different processes, the SDK calls the block when the database is (auto)refreshed to a version including the changes. For local writes, the SDK calls the block at some point in the future after the write transaction is committed.
Like other notifications, you can only observe objects or collections managed by a database. You must retain the returned token for as long as you want to watch for updates.
If you need to manually advance the state of an observed database on the main
thread or on another actor, call await realm.asyncRefresh()
This updates the database and outstanding objects managed by the database to
point to the most recent data and deliver any applicable notifications.
Observation Limitations
You cannot call the .observe()
During a write transaction
When the containing database is read-only
On an actor-confined database from outside the actor
Register a Collection Change Listener
The SDK calls a collection notification block after each write transaction which:
Deletes an object from the collection.
Inserts an object into the collection.
Modifies any of the managed properties of an object in the collection. This includes self-assignments that set a property to its existing value.
Order Matters
In collection notification handlers, always apply changes in the following order: deletions, insertions, then modifications. Handling insertions before deletions may result in unexpected behavior.
These notifications provide information about the actor on which the change
occurred. Like non-actor-isolated collection notifications, they also provide a change
that reports which objects are deleted, added, or modified during the write
transaction. This
resolves to an array of index paths that you can pass to a UITableView
batch update methods.
// Create a simple actor actor BackgroundActor { public func deleteTodo(tsrToTodo tsr: ThreadSafeReference<Todo>) throws { let realm = try! Realm() try realm.write { // Resolve the thread safe reference on the Actor where you want to use it. // Then, do something with the object. let todoOnActor = realm.resolve(tsr) realm.delete(todoOnActor!) } } } // Execute some code on a different actor - in this case, the MainActor func mainThreadFunction() async throws { let backgroundActor = BackgroundActor() let realm = try! await Realm() // Create a todo item so there is something to observe try await realm.asyncWrite { realm.create(Todo.self, value: [ "_id": ObjectId.generate(), "name": "Arrive safely in Bree", "owner": "Merry", "status": "In Progress" ]) } // Get the collection of todos on the current actor let todoCollection = realm.objects(Todo.self) // Register a notification token, providing the actor where you want to observe changes. // This is only required if you want to observe on a different actor. let token = await todoCollection.observe(on: backgroundActor, { actor, changes in print("A change occurred on actor: \(actor)") switch changes { case .initial: print("The initial value of the changed object was: \(changes)") case .update(_, let deletions, let insertions, let modifications): if !deletions.isEmpty { print("An object was deleted: \(changes)") } else if !insertions.isEmpty { print("An object was inserted: \(changes)") } else if !modifications.isEmpty { print("An object was modified: \(changes)") } case .error(let error): print("An error occurred: \(error.localizedDescription)") } }) // Update an object to trigger the notification. // This example triggers a notification that the object is deleted. // We can pass a thread-safe reference to an object to update it on a different actor. let todo = todoCollection.where { $ == "Arrive safely in Bree" }.first! let threadSafeReferenceToTodo = ThreadSafeReference(to: todo) try await backgroundActor.deleteTodo(tsrToTodo: threadSafeReferenceToTodo) // Invalidate the token when done observing token.invalidate() }
Register an Object Change Listener
The SDK calls an object notification block after each write transaction which:
Deletes the object.
Modifies any of the managed properties of the object. This includes self-assignments that set a property to its existing value.
The block is passed a copy of the object isolated to the requested actor, along with information about what changed. This object can be safely used on that actor.
By default, only direct changes to the object's properties produce notifications. Changes to linked objects do not produce notifications. If a non-nil, non-empty keypath array is passed in, only changes to the properties identified by those keypaths produce change notifications. The keypaths may traverse link properties to receive information about changes to linked objects.
// Execute some code on a specific actor - in this case, the MainActor func mainThreadFunction() async throws { // Initialize an instance of another actor // where you want to do background work let backgroundActor = BackgroundActor() // Create a todo item so there is something to observe let realm = try! await Realm() let scourTheShire = try await realm.asyncWrite { return realm.create(Todo.self, value: [ "_id": ObjectId.generate(), "name": "Scour the Shire", "owner": "Merry", "status": "In Progress" ]) } // Register a notification token, providing the actor let token = await scourTheShire.observe(on: backgroundActor, { actor, change in print("A change occurred on actor: \(actor)") switch change { case .change(let object, let properties): for property in properties { print("Property '\(' of object \(object) changed to '\(property.newValue!)'") } case .error(let error): print("An error occurred: \(error)") case .deleted: print("The object was deleted.") } }) // Update the object to trigger the notification. // This triggers a notification that the object's `status` property has been changed. try await realm.asyncWrite { scourTheShire.status = "Complete" } // Invalidate the token when done observing token.invalidate() }